Thursday, April 16, 2009


Proceedings of the weekly meeting of Lioness Club – Golden Gems
Venue: Arignar Anna Kalyana Mandapam
Date: 17th March 2009
Time: 11.00 Am – 12.00 Pm

The media campaign on Cardiac disease to create awareness for women was conducted for the Lioness club – Golden Gems. The presentation was done in English and Tamil, since there was a mixed audience. The students gave an overview and importance of the media campaign and the logo.
The presenters gave information on the symptoms, Preventable Lifestyle risk factors, and other important factors to be considered to prevent heart attack. Then it was followed by a scene between a mother and daughter in Tamil. In this skit, the daughter shares her information with her mother that she read from a mail on healthy food habits to prevent heart disease.
It was then followed by a short mime by the students. The audience enjoyed the miming which depicted how consumption of harmful food and unhealthy life style attract human heart and how good food habit and healthy life style protect the heart. Finally it was ended showing the heart is protected by good food habits and the “SPANDANA” the name of the media campaign saves the heart.
Once the presentation was over the audience was asked to fill in a questionnaire which included questions on knowledge, attitude and practice to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.
A poem on Heart written in Tamil was read out to the gathering. The programme concluded with an interactive session.

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